26 February 2011

On the Hunt...

YES! I have been on the hunt this past week...Curriculum Hunting! Let me tell you this, my head is hurting,lol. There is so much great curriculum out there! I find one that I think this is great, we will go with this one. Guess what? I find another that I like better or one that I think my children will strive on! UGH! I need to step back and really ask the Lord for his guidance in all of this, there is so much and being just a wee bit excited doesn't help much either.  Yes, the little girl looking at all the presents under the tree is still gleaming! I can barely control myself!!!! I have hit the homeschooling blogs full force! Watch out, crazy woman on a mission for great curriculum for her children...just giving a heads up!
Hope you all have a blessed week!