15 February 2011

Awesome Giveaway...

You have to head over to Hip Homeschool Moms they are giving away so much, very excited, it's a must see! You'll be glad you did!

13 February 2011

I'm linking up this week on one of my fav blogs...it's actually a homeschooling blog, and as most of you know, that homeschooling has such a tender spot in my heart.  Having started out homeschooling our children and now because of jobs, they are in a christian day school I find myself constantly on homeschooling blogs- funny I know, but secretly, I am praying that we can get back to homeschooling!

In my life this week...
We found out that Bradlynn, our 6th grader took 1st at regional in Vocal Solo, and I must say she did a great job!
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19585409?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="398" height="224" frameborder="0"></iframe>
We are so proud her!
We also took 2 school days off and headed to the mountains this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Every year our church host a couples retreat and this year we rented a cabin and took the kids...yes, I know it was a "couples retreat" but, our office pretty much runs it meaning I knew I would be working most of the time and probably wouldn't be in the sessions. We really had a fun get away, it was much needed!
Places we're going to and people we are seeing...  
Like I mentioned earlier, we went to the couples retreat and we saw so many of our friends. Friends from college, friends that Donnie went to school with and friends that we do see at church but really just don't have time to sit and fellowship with, it was just great to see everyone!
What we are working on this week...
We are going to try to start working on the boys room, building a loft for the three of them.  Donnie is actually heading out to Alabama for work this week, and the children do not have school on Monday-in service day for the teachers, so we shall see how far we really do get done on this project.
We also tilled the garden for the first time, it's hard to believe that it's that time again.  We will begin the starter seeds in the next few weeks. I can hardly wait for fresh zucchini...mmmmmm!
Photo, video, link or quote to share...
Hopefully the video of Bradlynns vocal will post. We actually downloaded it on Vimeo, the site that Donnie uses for all the properties. And as I type this, he is out on the tractor, so my fingers are crossed that it will work.

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy Valentine's Day!