24 January 2011

My sweet neice Jacqueline Rose turned 1! She did such a great job devouring her cake. It was great to get together with family and friends to help celebrate this little ones birthday.
On another note, the stomach sickness has hit our family! I will say I am so proud of each of my children, they have been so brave thru each of their sickness. I wish I could take their pain away, as a mother the last thing you like to see is your children hurting. 

This week we begin week 2 of our study in James! Really looking forward to what God has for me this week! Along with this study I have been reading:

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His  Presence - Devotions for Every Day of the Year  -     
        By: Sarah Young
Wow! It too has blessed my soul! It is a devotional book that would take you a few minutes to read but leaves an impression on your heart and mind. Throughout the day, I have reverted back to what I read that morning and how the Lord has just challenged my heart!  I know you will be blessed!  Hope and pray you have a blessed Monday!                                                                                                                          

23 January 2011

Here they go!

A New Year!

Good Morning Girls!

I have to introduce you to this amazing site!  Good Morning Girls   it's a blog that has challenged ladies to form a group, by using email, facebook or twitter to keep each other accountable for their quiet time with the Lord.  Right now there are over 1,000 GMG and over 150 groups!  We have just begun our first week and I can not begin to tell you how the Lord, and the other 19 women in our group, have blessed my soul this past week!  We are studying the book of James.  James, along with the book of Esther, are my two favorite books of the Bible! I was so excited to begin this study!
My dear friend and I decided to create these cute little journals for each of our ladies. (Just a little something to help along with the SOAP  method) They turned out great I must say...wink wink.
I encourage each of you to take a few minutes to hop over and check out these blogs! You will be blessed!
